Psyche visit of a metal world may reveal mysteries of Earth’s interior

Tiangong station gives China continuous presence in orbit

First launch of SpaceX’s Starship was a successful failure

ESA’s Juice lifts off to probe secrets of Jupiter’s icy moons

NASA announces Artemis II crew as rocket’s core stage completes assembly

It may have lacked the destructive mayhem of a BattleBots competition, but the 2015 Sample Return Robot Challenge also just may hold the key in furthering our space exploration goals. Sixteen teams competed in the event held last month at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) in Worcester, Mass. Teams were required to demonstrate autonomous robots …

Behind the scenes of launch control Space flight is dangerous and not just for the astronauts. Over the hundred plus years of rocket technology and space flight growth, many have died just working on rockets or even testing them, from engineers to flight pad crew to even spectators. Progress comes with a price and with …

A series of unfortunate events happened in end of April and beginning of May that has raised a few eyebrows about the current state of affairs in Russia’s space exploration program. A string of failures unfolded in the following sequence: On 28th of April 2015, Soyuz-2.1a Launch Vehicle with Progress M-27M cargo vehicle experienced an anomaly …

ISS suffers another loss of resupply cargo After a string of 18 successful launches to begin its pedigree, a Falcon 9 rocket manufactured by SpaceX suffered a catastrophic failure during its ascent to orbit on Sunday, June 28. The Falcon 9 rocket was attempting to loft the Dragon capsule and service trunk on the CRS-7 …

For a planet, this would be like a day at the spa. After years of growing old, a massive planet could, in theory, brighten up with a radiant, youthful glow. Rejuvenated planets, as they are nicknamed, are only hypothetical. But new research from NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope has identified one such candidate, seemingly looking billions …

While fireworks only last a short time here on Earth, a bundle of cosmic sparklers in a nearby cluster of stars will be going off for a very long time. NGC 1333 is a star cluster populated with many young stars that are less than 2 million years old – a blink of an eye in …

Vocabulary • Depth: ​How deep the rille is. • Distance: How far from the edge of the rille to its center. • Rille:​ A collapsed lava tube that resembles a small canyon. • Rope Length: The amount of rope needed to descend Hadley Rille. • Rope Weight: The mass of the rope per standard length. …

Stellar Clusters are groups of stars that fall into two broad categories: Open Clusters or Globular Clusters. Both types of cluster are formed from gas clouds and dust coalescing into a multitude of stars, but this is where the commonality ends. Open Clusters Open Clusters can contain up to a thousand stars which are normally …

This issue it was a coin toss for the spotlight object between The Great Globular Cluster in Hercules and Omega Centauri. Omega Centauri won as it is the largest by far of the Globular Clusters and it has the potential to be seen by more people in both hemispheres. It is visible in Southern Europe …

All was calm, the air was crisp with hope and the skies were clear as far as the eye could see as the clock ticked down to T minus zero for the Oct. 28, 2014 blastoff of an Orbital Sciences commercial Antares rocket from NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility, VA, – on a mission of critical …

Our website traffic recently has made it clear that lots of you are watching the television show ‘The Astronauts Wives Club’ on ABC. The show had a strong debut, even increasing its audience during the second half hour of the first episode. More than 90 percent of first-week viewers came back for the second episode, …

Nine years ago, in 2006, NASA launched the New Horizons spacecraft to the outer reaches of the Solar System in order to study the Pluto system. New Horizons is the fastest spacecraft ever launched, and has traveled more than three billion miles to reach its primary target: Pluto. The flyby of the Pluto system on …

For many millenia, all of humanity had been bound to this terrestrial planet we call Earth, but in 1965 our species took its first steps into the unknown of outer space. Russian Alexey Leonov became the first to conduct a spacewalk in March 1965 , followed several months later by American astronaut Edward White in June 1965. From those first early …

New study suggests that iconic structures more aptly named the Pillars of Destruction The original Hubble Space Telescope image of the famous Pillars of Creation was taken two decades ago and immediately became one of its most famous and evocative pictures. Since then, these billowing clouds, which extend over a few light-years, have awed scientists and the public …

The brilliant tapestry of young stars flaring to life resemble a glittering fireworks display in the 25th anniversary Hubble Space Telescope image, released to commemorate a quarter century of exploring the solar system and beyond. “Hubble has completely transformed our view of the universe, revealing the true beauty and richness of the cosmos” said John …

During its 25 years of peering out at the farthest depths of the Universe, the Hubble Space Telescope has enabled humanity to witness countless amazing sites from here on Earth. Here we present the Hubble Top 100 list. It has been compiled, and is regularly reviewed, by staff of ESA/Hubble. A couple of quick notes …

Since launching in 1990, the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) has awed and inspired the public with a dazzling array of images. More than just pretty pictures, Hubble has collected 25 years of data, providing unprecedented views and insights into the universe. By observing objects from neighboring planets to the most distant galaxies, Hubble has captured …

During its 25 year long mission the Hubble Space Telescope has changed our view of the Universe significantly. Some of the most ground-breaking discoveries made in astronomy in the 20th century were made by Hubble, which allows astronomers to better understand the world we live in and investigate its mysteries even further. The Hubble Deep …

When talking about the Hubble Space Telescope one man is often forgotten: That man who gave the space telescope its name: Edwin Powell Hubble. Today, most astronomers see him as the most important observational cosmologist in the 20th century and he played a crucial role in establishing the field of extragalactic astronomy. As a result …

Everyone has seen the dramatic images produced by the Hubble Telescope from the iconic Pillars of Creation to the hundreds of galaxies in one shot, but how are these images created? The Hubble Telescope captures images in monochrome, just like the old black and white photographs with no color, but the images we see are …

